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You're viewing Premier Manager '98 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Premier Manager '98
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2004-08-17 12:32:44
Views : 28337

Lots of money
Start the game and take control of around 5 to 10 teams depending on the amount of money you want.(The more teams the more money you get).You Should take control of one main club that all the money will go to. With the other clubs make five transfers for the maximum amount of money possible and pass the money from one club to another until you get round to your main club. Eg: Chelsea offer maximum amount of money 5 times to liverpool who do the same to newcastle who do the same to arsenal and so on until you reach the main club. note: The players will only move to clubs in the same division or higher. You should also offer around 2 million to the player for his wages. It may take a while to let the money build up but it is worth it. I put a book on the mouse while I wait for the money to reach it.

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